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Wind turbines on wind farms, as tall and heavy objects, during work generate a constant vibrations and dynamic load of the ground. From the designer’s point of view the important thing is the spatial assessment of the ground in order to determine the load-bearing capacity and to locate areas of subsidences and heterogeneity.
Our company provides specialized geophysical surveys with the most advanced and accurate seismic method MASW/MAM/ReMi for ground structure diagnosis and its mechanical parameters. MASW allows to determine with the depth (in continuous and non-invasive way), dynamic variations of: elastic moduli – bulk K, shear Gmax, Young, Poisson’s ratio and also location of bearing grounds. In addition, there is possibility to estimate of SPT (N30) to determine degree of compaction/plasticity. As a supplement to identify geological structure, geoelectrical surveys are applied in a variant of electrical resistivity tomography ERT.

Seismic MASW/MAM/ReMi survey of the ground for foundation and assembly platform of wind turbine
Such surveys are essentially to elaborate geotechnical and geological-engineering documentation for wind farms. This is common task e.g. in USA, Canada and more and more frequently in Poland. Our company carried out such surveys for several dozens wind turbines.
In identification of the ground for the wind farm important role is for vertical electrical soundings VES. Results of such surveys are used to determine the depth and the way of grounding the wind farm components. In addition, such surveys can be used as a supplement of other geophysical methods while geological-engineering interpretation is being done.

Georadar surveys of the road in order to determine possibility of oversized transport of wind turbine components (left) and electrical resistivity survey to identify the proper layers for grounding of the designed wind turbine (right)
In addition, it’s possible to determine the influence of the turbine components transport on the roads. In this case very fast, accurate and cost-effective GPR surveys are applied.