Main Page | Knowledge base | Geophysics | Seismic studies | Seismic tomography
Seismic tomography technique base on measuring the wave velocity propagation in the ground. Changes in the structure, density and elastic characteristics directly affect the distribution of velocities. Such measurements helps in imaging the structure. Such tests are performed most often in the vertical plane: surface-borehole, between boreholes (cross-hole) or horizontally eg. for imaging of hardcoal seams, between neigboring galleries.

Results of seismic tomography are presented as cross-sections showing wave velocity changes.

Results of seismic tomography
Example applications of seismic tomography:
- location of weak zones, collapses, loosened zones, voids and hydraulic breaks, More…
- stress analysis in hardcoal seams,
- sintensity of fracturing in rockmass,
- discontinuous deformation risk assessment for voids, caverns, sinkholes in the overburden and bedrock.